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Grade 9 Unit 17 Global Warming and Climate Change Movie Review Chasing Ice Exercise

 Grade 9 Unit 17 Global Warming and Climate Change Movie Review Chasing Ice Exercise

Grade 9 Unit 17 Global Warming and Climate Change Movie Review Chasing Ice Exercise

Grade 9 English 

Unit 17

Global Warming and Climate Change


Global Warming: Global Warming is the long term heating of Earth's surface (the long term warming of the planet) documented since pre-industrial period (1950-1900) due to human activities, primarily burning fossil fuel, that increases heat trapping green house gas level in Earth's surface.


Climate Change: Climate Change means long term shifts in temperature and weather pattern. It refers to the broader range of changes or all the variations in the climate that are happening to our planet.  These shifts may be natural but since 1800s human activities have been the main cause of climate change, primarily dur to the burning of fossil fuel (coal, old, gas) which producing heat trapping gases.


Other causes of Global Warming/Climate Change:

- Manufacturing goods,

- deforestation,

- population growth,

- using transportation

- producing foods

- powering buildings

- consuming too much

- oil drilling

- waste

- industrialization etc.


Consequences/Effects of Global Warming/Climate Change:

- Rise in sea level

- loss of coastal land

- change in precipitation pattern (water cycle)

- water shortage

- fire threat

- drought & flood

- intense storm

- salt invasion

- ice melt


What is the difference between Global Warming and Climate Change?

Global Warming and Climate Change is used interchangeably, but Global Warming is only one aspect of climate change. In a simple way, Global Warming means the current increase in the Earth's average temperature but Climate change referes the changes in wind, precipitation, the length of seasons, the strength and frequency of extreme weather events like drought and floods along with global warming.



Reading I

Movie Review: Chasing Ice


Answer the following questions:

a. What is the name of your favorite movie?

Ans:- The name of my favorite movie is "The Day After Tomorrow" released in 2004. It is a an American science fiction disaster movie. The movie is about Global Warming and its disastrously effects on this planet.


b. What sort of movie is it?

Ans:- It is a documentary movie that interprets factual material for purpose of education or entertainment. It is also known as non-fictional motion picture intends to document reality.


c. What do you like about the movie? What are its weaknesses?

Ans:- I like the efforts of nature photographer James Balog and his extreme ice survey to publicize the effects of climate change.



In the wake of - aftermath

Hurricane - a storm with a violent wind (cyclone/storm/tornado)

Hurricane Sandy - an extreme destructive and strong Atlantic hurricane with the highest wind speed of 185 Km/h (2 Nov, 2012)

unpredictability - not able to predict

apparent - clearly visible

prevalent - widespread in a particular area

James Balog - An American photographer whose works explores the relationship between humans and nature

glacial erosion - loosening of rock, sediment or soil by glacial process/glaciers spreading over the surface of land

traces -uncovers/reveals

Artic - Northernmost region of the Earth

accomplish - fulfill/complete successfully

dubbed - to give name

Extreme Ice Survey - an innovative, long term photography program of James Balog founded in 2007

Endeavor - effort

footage - evidence

intense - great/extreme

skepticism - doubt

relatable - responsive

credibility - the quality of being trusted, trustworthiness, reliability

ends up - reaches in conclusion

appealing - attractive/interesting

calving - splitting into smaller mas of ice

icebergs - a large floating mass of ice detached from a glacier

refrains - stops

overwhelming - to be emotional

avalanche- a mas of snow, ice and rock falling rapidly down a mountainside

incorporates - includes

precarious - uncertain, unbelievable

intriguing - fascinating

exquisite - extremely beautiful and delicate

reluctant - unwilling




A. Match the following words with their meanings.

a. reluctant                 - v. hesitating to do something

b. intriguing                - iv. arousing one's curiosity or interest; fascinating

c. exquisite                  - i. extremely beautiful or carefully made

d. avalanche                  - ii. mass of snow, ice and rock that falls down the side of a mountain

e. overwhelming         - iii. very great; so powerful that you cannot resist it

f. credibility               - vi. the quality of being trusted and believed in



B. Find the words from the text and fill in the crossword puzzle.


3. part of a film showing a particular event - FOOTAGE

5. to find the origin or cause of something - TRACE

6. a film or a radio or television programme giving facts about something- DOCUMENTARY



1. the fact of soil, stone, etc. being gradually damaged and removed by the waves, rain or wind - EROSION

2. an attitude of doubting that claims or statements are true - SKEPTICISM

4. having or showing very strong feelings - INTENSE

7. to succeed in doing or completing something, achieve - ACCOMPLISH


C. Complete the sentences with the appropriate words/phrases from the text 'Chasing Ice'.

a. Chasing ice glacial erosion is the result of climate change.

b. The beginning of the film is set in Los Angeles.

c. James Balog began his project with a photography programme called the Extreme Ice Survey.

d. Balog wanted to go back to the scene of the photography to see how the glaciers had changed.

e. The film is based on both data  and on scientific details.

f. The audience can have a better view of the images in big screens.

g. Balog's project team consisted of a glaciologist and a climatologist.

h. The person doubting about theories on the environment may hesitate to see the film.


D. Answer the following questions.

a. What king of film is 'Chasing Ice'?

Ans:- 'Chasing Ice' is a documentary film on the topic of global warming and climate change.


b. What is the main objectives of the film?

Ans:- The main objectives of the film is to show that climate change is the main cause of glacial eroison in the Arctic.


c. Why did Balog and his team set up cameras in different places?

Ans:- Balog and his team set up cameras in different places to find the evidences of glacial erosion caused by climate change.


d. What helps the audience experience what is happening in the Arctic Zone?

Ans:- Visually appealing images and time-lapse footages of glaciers "calving" or breaking apra into icebergs help the audience experience what is happening in the Arctic Zone.


e. How did Balog try to make the film interesting?

Ans:-  Balog tried to make the film interesting by providing moderate scientific details and understandable data with his explanation and interpretation of his results.


f. Why is 'Chasing Ice' a worthwhile film?

Ans:- 'Chasing Ice' is a worthwhile film because it combines intriguing theories ad exquisite images making viewers think critically about climate change and its future consequences.

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