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Class 11 Language Development, Unit 17 Globalization and Diaspora


Class 11 Language Development, Unit 17 Globalization and Diaspora


Globalization and Diaspora


"Globalization is a strategy of liberalization that becomes an economic nightmare for the poor." Anonymous




What Lost Identity? The Diaspora and Globalization

Abdalhadi Alijla


Before you read

a. Why do you think people leave their home countries?

Ans:- There are many reason behind people leaving their home country, but the most common reason is for a better economy and better life.


b. Do they have their cultural identity in other countries?

Ans:- They don't have their cultural identity in other country because that country has its own tradition, culture, religion and customs which the immigrants have to assimilate.


c. What happens when one's identity is lost?

Ans:- When one loses his identity, other don't recognize him. One's language, religion, culture shape his/her identity because people of one place is different and unique to another because of his language, religion and culture that is which his/her identity is.


d. How is culture globalized?

Ans:- If the culture of any particular place is followed and practices throughout it is called globalization of that culture. For example the language "English" of a particular place has been global language. Gradually it spreads across the world when many people learn and use it. Handshaking is not our culture, but we also shake our hands with other people during our first meeting. People who leave their own home country transport the culture.



Ways with Words


A. Choose the words from the box for the following meanings.

Confront,         refugee,           ravage,                        assimilation,   enclave,             usurp


a. The severely damaging or destructive effect of something - ravage

b. Someone forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster- refugee

c. to face a difficult situation - confront

d. take a position of power or importance illegally or by force - usurp

e. the process of becoming a part of a group, country, society, etc. - assimilation

f. an area within a larger territory whose inhabitants are culturally or ethnically distinct - enclave



B. Collocation refers to words that are found together in spoken and written language. Collocation can be either fixed, where it is difficult to replace one of the words with an alternative, or freer, allowing for more choice of words. The most common types of collocations are:



accept responsibility

Adjective + noun

firm determination

adverb + verb

strongly recommended

Adverb + Adjective

completely useless

Adverb + adjective + noun

totally unacceptable behavior

adjective + preposition

accused of

Noun + Noun

window frame


C. Fill in the gaps with the correct word from the brackets.

a. I asked him if he was attending the ceremony and he shook his head 'no' (shook/moved/nodded)

b.They made a horrible decision which caused irreparable damage to our company. (hopeless/inflexible/irreparable)

c. The leaders need to break down barriers so as to create favorable environment in the nation. (barrier/obstacles/hindrances)

d. You ought to talk to the manager to settle the dispute. (solve/settle/clear up)

e. Perhaps this issue will not get much media coverage. (security/examination/coverage)

f. This week is the first week of Joan as an in-charge. Everything is running smoothly. (smoothly/calmly/easily)

g. I haven't read the text thoroughly, but given a quick glance. (fast/quick/rapid)




Answer the following questions.

a. Why did millions of Palestinians leave their country?

Ans:- Millions of Palestinians left their country for a better life and better economic opportunities because most of them had been living in refugee camps where they were deprived of basic human rights. Beside these some left to escape from the ravages of the ongoing conflicts in their countries.


b. How is the global culture formed? Is cultural identity possible even in the global culture? Justify.

Ans:- Global culture is formed because of the huge technological advancements such as social medias, street journalism and global trans-national corporations which influence the young generation the most. Most of people think that cultural assimilation enables them to lose their cultural identity which is supposed to be found in religion, culture and language. Cultural identity is different to the global culture. This will boost an economic, political and cultural interaction between two sides. Establishing own business in foreign land can link to their home land economically. This helps to globalize local culture and vice versa.


c. Why can moving from one side of the world to the other be an economic challenge for new comers?

Ans:- Moving from one side of the world to the other can be an economic challenge for new comers because it takes time to learn the language and to assimilate the foreign culture. Initially they find themselves ignored by the foreign societies and find difficulties in finding housing before they introduced themselves into labor market. Event the host country's integration program fails in short period of time.


d. How can immigrants foster economy at different magnitude of scale in their new homes?

Ans:- Once the immigrants learn language, assimilate with foreign culture, after a long time, they foster economy at different magnitude of scale in their new homes by establishing business. An increased amount of trade in foreign land increases economy of home country. For instances, India increased the total sum of economic trade to 80 billion Saudi Riyal for spice exports and the trade between Turkey and Germany reached high up to 25 billion euro.  


e. Can immigrants fully integrate in the new societies? Give reasons.

Ans:-  Despite immigrants want to integrate fully in the new societies, there are main constraints except any loss of identity. The creation of immigrant enclaves is a part of government's integration program, but in the initial stage, the new societies don't open their doors fully to allow immigrants to integrate which encourages them to be a part of the new society.


f. Mention any two benefits of integrating into a new society for the immigrants.

Ans:- There and countless benefits of integrating into a new society for the immigrants, among which the two are i) The immigrants learn different things in foreign countries and act like a solid bridge between the two countries and ii) the receiving countries will enhance economic opportunities establishing multinational corporations and businesses.


g. Why should the immigrants run in concordance (according) with global culture?

Ans:- The immigrants should run in concordance with global culture because isolation and non convergence increases the highest chances to loss own identity and if they are unable to assimilate with global culture they can't make their future there and even they may leave a negative impression about their home country in foreign land. In other words they must adapt the global culture to preserve own identity and increase national economy.



Critical Thinking


a. Do you think that the local is globalised and the global is localized? Can there be the global culture as well? Give examples.


Ans:- The term local is anything relating or restricted to a particular area or one's neighborhood where as global means anything relating to the worldwide. In another words, local means anything -person, place, religion, language culture etc. limited in a specific place and global means having a worldwide concern to anything. Global means anything shared experienced, assimilated by people all over the world. Globalization means expansion of anything known to a specific area across the world. It is a process of anything reaching to vast majority of people across the world. When the local things spreads and reaches to the people across the world it is called globalization. Localization is the process of reaching to a specific group of people. There is no doubt that local is globalized. Anything gets birth in a specific place and gradually reaches in global level. There may be many process and steps to reach any thing globally. In the same way, global things are also localized to reach to the specific place and people. Global culture is a set of shared experience, norms, symbols, ideas that unite people at global level. There are many example of global culture such as multinational companies, organizations, entertainment industries, education, economy, food, religion, fashion, travel, profession, diplomacy and so on. Because of advancement in communication and transportation, the entire world has become a small village or global village and whatever people share each other has become global culture. The worldwide spread of fashion, abroad study, participation in games, watching foreign movies, using English language, listening world music all these are the parts of global culture.


b. What is globalization? Discuss the effects of globalization on traditional cultures.

Ans:- Globalization is the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide. It has accelerated since the 18th century due to advances in transportation and communication technology. This increase in global interactions has caused a growth in international trade and the exchange of ideas, beliefs, and culture. Globalization is primarily an economic process of interaction and integration that is associated with social and cultural aspects. Traditional culture is the characteristic of group of people defined by everything such as language, religion, lifestyle etc and followed generation after generation. Different people in different societies have different culture but they also have some similarities. The culture varies in different things such as clothes, foods, religion and many others.


Globalization has both negative and positive effects on traditional cultures. Globalization helps us to broaden the horizon of knowledge, economic growth, advancement in science and technology, expansions of trade and business but it helps to destroy the traditional cultures. We have our own language, lifestyle, religion, norms and values which are badly affected by globalization. We forget our originality in the name of assimilating new tradition and cultures. We have seen people wearing western clothes, using foreign language, following foreign cultures and style, which are reducing our own originality. Our eating habit has changed, our dressing style is changed, we speak English language, and we don't follow our rituals, rites and religions and so on.

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