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Grade 10 English, Unit 9, Pronunciation, Grammar I & II, Writing I & II Solution

 Grade 10 English, Unit 9, Pronunciation, Grammar I & II, Writing I & II Solution

Grade 10 English, Unit 9, Pronunciation, Grammar I & II, Writing I & II Solution


Pronounce the following phrases with an apostrophe. Take help of a dictionary or your teacher. Then, put the words in the right columns.







Dick's house

Luna's pet

Ramesh's phone


Lisa's essay                              Nepal's border                       my brother's book      

children's shoes                     the aircraft's black box         a week's work

Thomas's job                          the bus's arrival                     James's office

the girls' excitement              my parents' wedding            the ladies' room

Socrates' philosophy             Ulysses' friends                     coach's decision

princess's necklace



A. Study how Aleena narrates the activities of her winter holidays.

When our school was closed for winter holidays, I was both excited and nervous. I was anxious to see my father and mother. So, I called my mother to tell her that I would be leaving for home Friday morning. The journey home went well and I saw beautiful landscapes. I reached the town at 4:30 pm and found my father and young brother waiting for me at the bus station. I was very happy to see them! Once home, I did many activities such as watering the garden and visiting my friends. I really enjoyed my winter holidays!

Now, narrate what you did during your recent holidays.

During my recent winter holidays, I was thrilled to have a break from school. I looked forward to reuniting with my parents and couldn't wait to go home. I called my mother to let her know I was coming on Friday morning. The journey back was smooth, and I enjoyed the beautiful winter scenery along the way. I arrived in town at 4:30 pm and was greeted by my father and little brother at the bus station. It was a heart-warming reunion that filled me with joy. Once home, I spent time watering the garden and catching up with my friends. It was a wonderful and enjoyable winter holiday!


B. Work in pairs. Have conversations as shown in the example.

a. Tony/go/dentist/last week

Example:            A: What did Tony do last week?

B: He went to the dentist last week.

b. Grandparents/eat ice cream/yesterday afternoon

c. Sima/send message/an hour ago

d. Manu/wash hands/5 minutes ago

e. Father/watch/football match/last night

f. Lunibha/feed the cat/yesterday

g. Kate and Tim/clean room/last weekend



b. A: What did the grandparents do yesterday afternoon?

B: They ate ice cream yesterday afternoon.


c. A: What did Sima do an hour ago?

B: Sima sent a message an hour ago.


d. A: What did Manu do 5 minutes ago?

B: Manu washed hands 5 minutes ago.


e. A: What did father do last night?

B: Father watched a football match last night.


f. A: What did Lunibha do yesterday?

B: Lunibha fed the cat yesterday.


g. A: What did Kate and Tim do last weekend?

B: Kate and Tim cleaned the room last weekend.


C. Tell about a party that you attended. Use the given guidelines.

Who invited you

Where you were invited

Why the party was organised

Anything you offered or received.


A close friend named Sarah invited me to her apartment in downtown to celebrate her recent promotion at work. The party was organized to mark this significant career milestone and also as a way for Sarah to express her gratitude to friends and colleagues who have supported her throughout her journey. When I arrived at the party, I offered to bring a homemade dessert as a gesture of goodwill. I brought a batch of freshly baked cookies, which were a hit among the guests. During the party, I received a heartfelt thank-you card from Sarah, expressing her appreciation for my presence and contribution to the celebration. Overall, the party was a lively and joyful gathering, filled with laughter, good food, and heartfelt congratulations for Sarah's achievements. It was a memorable event that strengthened our friendships and allowed us to celebrate Sarah's success together.


Grammar I

A. Find the second part of each sentence. Then, change each verb into the correct form.

a. The alarm (go)                                                i. Brinda (reply) her.

b. As soon as the teacher (ask) the question   ii. while Trishna (sleep).

c. I (do) my homework                                      iii. we (see) the sun shining brightly.

d. When the doors (open)                                 iv. when the telephone (ring).

e. When we (wake)                                            v. the audience (rush) into the stadium.


B. Complete the sentences. Write in the correct form of each verb.

a. When I ……………………….  (arrive) home, my dad ……………………………..(prepare) snacks for me.

b. That day, when we ……………………. (leave) home, the sky ……………….. (be) overcast and it ………………………  (drizzle).

c. Last week, we ………………… (book) a hotel online. The hotel …………………  (be) really wonderful. The staff ……………… (stand) at the gate to welcome us when we ………………………….. (reach) there.

d.  ………………………… (the children/sleep) when you…………………. (reach) home that night?

e. Something very strange …………………… (happen) on my way home yesterday. I ………………. (walk) along the way. Suddenly, I  ………………… (see) my grandfather following me. But he had died a year ago.

f. We ……………………. (travel) to Chitwan when the police stopped us on the way. According to them, there …………….. (be) a bomb there. So, we ……………….  (have) to wait for an hour.



a. When I arrived home, my dad was preparing snacks for me.

b. That day, when we left home, the sky was overcast and it was drizzling.

c. Last week, we booked a hotel online. The hotel was really wonderful. The staff were standing at the gate to welcome us when we reached there.

d. Were the children sleeping when you reached home that night?

e. Something very strange happened on my way home yesterday. I was walking along the way. Suddenly, I saw my grandfather following me. But he had died a year ago.

f. We were traveling to Chitwan when the police stopped us on the way. According to them, there was a bomb there. So, we had to wait for an hour.


C. Make sentences using the words given in the brackets. Use the correct forms of the verbs: simple past or past continuous.

Example: the telephone/ring several times while I/have dinner

The telephone rang several times while I was having dinner

a. it/ begin to snow while we/return /home

It began to snow while we were returning home.


b. Kamal/fall off while he/play on the veranda

Kamal fell off while he was playing on the veranda.


c. Amit /wait for me/ when I /reach the station

Amit was waiting for me when I reached the station.


d. Simran/ take my photos while I/not look at the camera

Simran took my photos while I was not looking at the camera.


e. what/you do/yesterday when I/call you?

What were you doing yesterday when I called you?


f. I break the glass/while I/wash it

I broke the glass while I was washing it.


g. the teacher enter the class/while some students/ dance in the class

The teacher entered the class while some students were dancing in the class.


i. I find the lost purse/while I /clean the room

I found the lost purse while I was cleaning the room.


j. Dipisha finish her homework/while her brother/ watch TV

Dipisha finished her homework while her brother was watching TV.



Writing I

A. Study the events below. These are the major events that happened in the history of Nepal from 2017 B.S. to 2046 B.S. Write a couple of paragraphs about Nepal's journey from Panchayat to Multiparty Democracy.

1st Poush, 2017 King Mahendra dismissed the elected government, suspended parliament, imprisoned the Prime Minister, Ministers, banned political parties and activities, seized all power

22nd Poush, 2017 - King Mahendra announced the partyless autocratic Panchayat System

10th Jestha, 2036 - announcement of Referendum

20th Baishak, 2037 -the election of referendum took place 10th Jestha, 2042 - non-violent civil disobedience movement 7th Falgun, 2046 -the mass movement formally started 26th Chaitra, 2046-restoration of multiparty system



The period from 2017 B.S. to 2046 B.S. in Nepal was marked by significant political and historical transformations, transitioning from a monarchical, autocratic regime to a multiparty democracy. In 2017 B.S., King Mahendra dismissed the elected government, suspended parliament, and imposed an authoritarian rule by banning political parties and activities, consolidating power in the monarchy. This led to the establishment of a partyless autocratic Panchayat System on the 22nd of Poush, 2017 B.S., limiting democratic representation and concentrating authority within the monarchy.


However, the aspirations for a democratic society persisted among the people. A critical turning point occurred on the 10th of Jestha, 2036 B.S., when the announcement of a referendum provided an opportunity for the Nepalese people to express their choice regarding the system of governance. The referendum, held on the 20th of Baishak, 2037 B.S., marked an important step towards seeking public opinion and steering the nation towards change.


Subsequently, the momentum for democratic reform gained strength, culminating in the non-violent civil disobedience movement on the 10th of Jestha, 2042 B.S. The movement served as a precursor to the mass movement that officially commenced on the 7th of Falgun, 2046 B.S., with widespread participation from the people, demanding the restoration of the multiparty system. This groundswell of public support eventually led to a historic event on the 26th of Chaitra, 2046 B.S., when the multiparty system was officially restored, marking a monumental shift towards a more inclusive and democratic governance structure in Nepal.


B. Some people think studying history is just a waste of time while others think that it is essential. What do you think of these ideas? Write your opinion in about 200 words.



Studying history holds immense value and is far from being a mere waste of time. History is a record of our collective human experience, and understanding it is crucial for various reasons. Firstly, history provides us with valuable lessons from the past. It enables us to learn from our triumphs and failures, helping us make informed decisions and navigate the complexities of the present and future. Historical events and their outcomes often shed light on the consequences of certain actions, guiding us towards more constructive paths.


Moreover, history offers a deeper comprehension of societal, cultural, and political dynamics. It unveils the evolution of societies, ideologies, technologies, and institutions, giving us insights into the roots of current systems and beliefs. This understanding fosters tolerance, empathy, and a broader perspective, which is vital for peaceful coexistence and informed citizenship.


History also aids in preserving and celebrating our cultural heritage and identities. It allows us to appreciate the diverse tapestry of human existence and fosters a sense of belonging and pride. Additionally, the study of history encourages critical thinking, analytical skills, and the ability to assess evidence and sources—an essential aspect of an informed and rational society.


In conclusion, history is an essential subject that enriches our lives by providing knowledge, shaping our values, and equipping us to shape a better future. Dismissing it as a waste of time would undermine the profound benefits it offers to individuals and societies.


Grammar II

A. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in the brackets.

a. The children arrived five minutes ago. (arrive)

b. Ramchandra had bought the ticket before he went to the cinema. (buy)

c. Alexander had conquered one-fourth of the world before he was thirty. (conquer)

d. When she came out of the airport, nobody had been waiting for her. (wait)

f. I found a thousand rupee note in my pants pocket while I was washing it. (wash)

g. Somebody knocked at my door while I was taking a rest. (knock)

h. Every year, he saved some money which he spent to buy a new house. (save)

i. I had had my breakfast before I went to work. (have)

k. The train had left before we reached the station. (leave)


B. Complete the story below with the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets.

A young lady........ (enter) a shop in Birendranagar, Surkhet. She……….. (put) a few items of food in a bag. She......... (choose) a time when not many people ......... (be) there in the street. She ………… (wait) for the moment when no one else would see her running away. When the shopkeeper .........(check) the goods, she gave him a thousand-rupee note. As soon as the shopkeeper …………………. (open) the box, she ......... (snatch) all the money from it. Meanwhile, she......... (run) out of the shop before the shopkeeper ……………… (realise) what ......................(happen). When the shopkeeper …………………. (check) the amount in the box, he …………. (find) that the thief ......... (take) only Rs. 450. As the thief ………………. (leave) a thousand-rupee note behind, the operation ……………………. (cost) her Rs. 550.



A young lady entered a shop in Birendranagar, Surkhet. She put a few items of food in a bag. She chose a time when not many people were there in the street. She was waiting for the moment when no one else would see her running away. When the shopkeeper checked the goods, she gave him a thousand-rupee note. As soon as the shopkeeper opened the box, she snatched all the money from it. Meanwhile, she ran out of the shop before the shopkeeper realized what had happened. When the shopkeeper checked the amount in the box, he found that the thief had taken only Rs. 450. As the thief left a thousand-rupee note behind, the operation cost her Rs. 550.


Writing II

A. Write a story using the outlines given below.

The Bat, the Birds, and the Beasts

a great conflict between the birds and the beasts....... two armies collected together ……………. the bat refuses to join ...... says he is a beast ........... beasts request……………. says he is a bird …………. peace made, no battle ………….. rejoicing ……………… bat wishes to join ………….. both turned against him ………. threaten to tear into pieces ……… bat flies away ………… moral




The Bat, the Birds, and the Beasts

Once upon a time, in a lush forest, there brewed a great conflict between the birds and the beasts. The two armies gathered their forces, feathers and fur arrayed for battle. It was a showdown of epic proportions, with each side determined to claim dominion over the forest.


Amidst this turmoil, a curious figure emerged: the bat. As emissaries from both sides approached him, seeking his allegiance, the bat found himself in a precarious position. He refused to join either camp, claiming that he was neither a bird nor a beast. The birds implored him, "Join us, for you have wings like ours!" Meanwhile, the beasts requested, "Come with us, for you have fur and claws like ours!"


But the bat remained steadfast in his neutrality. He insisted he was unique and did not belong to either faction. As a result, a delicate peace was brokered, and the impending battle was averted.


The forest echoed with rejoicing as the birds and beasts celebrated their newfound harmony. However, the bat couldn't help but feel left out. He approached the united assembly and expressed his desire to join them now that peace had been restored.


To his disappointment, both the birds and the beasts turned against him. Feeling betrayed by his earlier refusal, they threatened to tear him into pieces. In fear for his life, the bat quickly spread his wings and flew away to find solace in a distant part of the forest.


Moral: Those who play both sides often end up with neither. The bat's indecision and opportunism left him isolated and vulnerable, serving as a lesson about the consequences of flip-flopping in times of conflict.



B. Write a story that begins with the sentence 'One warm summer afternoon an old owl was dozing when a grasshopper disturbed it with a very raspy song."


One warm summer afternoon, an old owl was dozing when a grasshopper disturbed it with a very raspy song. The owl, perched high on a sturdy branch of a wise old oak tree, was peacefully lost in its dreams, enjoying the tranquility of the forest. The sudden, harsh notes of the grasshopper's song jolted the owl awake.


Startled, the owl blinked its large, wise eyes and turned its head to find the source of the disturbance. There, on a nearby blade of grass, was the grasshopper, rubbing its wings together to create the peculiar melody. The grasshopper seemed to be enjoying its performance, unaware of the interruption it had caused.


The owl, though initially annoyed, soon realized that the grasshopper was simply expressing itself and meant no harm. Intrigued by the grasshopper's unusual song, the owl decided to strike up a conversation. "Hello there, little grasshopper," said the owl in a deep, calming voice.


The grasshopper paused its song and looked up at the owl, surprised but respectful. "Good day, wise owl. I hope my song did not disturb you too much," the grasshopper replied, its raspy voice a stark contrast to the owl's hoots.


The owl smiled and shook its head. "Not at all. Your song is quite unique. What brings you here on this fine afternoon?"


The grasshopper shared its tales of wandering through the vibrant meadow, the adventures it had, and the beauty it had witnessed. The owl listened attentively, gaining a newfound appreciation for the world from the grasshopper's perspective.


As the sun began to set, the grasshopper bid the owl farewell and continued its journey through the meadow. The owl, now more awake and enlightened, hooted a gentle tune, appreciating the harmony that existed between all creatures, no matter how different their songs might be.

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