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Grade 10 English Unit 11- Reading II World Record Exercises

 Grade 10 English Unit 11- Reading II World Record Exercises

World Record


Scene              : It is a big TV studio.

Characters     : Albert Hargreaves, Daisy Hargreaves (the wife of Albert), Mabel Phillips, Michael Moonshine


Michael          :       Thank you. Thank you. Yes, ladies and                                    gentlemen, this is the program that gives                              you the chance to break a world record.                                We have here in the studio tonight two                                 people who are trying to break world                                     records. Let's meet them and see what                                  they're doing. Tell me, sir, what is your                                  name?

Albert             :       Albert Hargreaves.

Michael          :       Albert Hargreaves. Well, Albert, what are                              you doing?

Albert             :       I'm standing on one leg in a bucket of hot                             soup.

Michael          :       Ladies and gentlemen, he's                                                       standing on one leg in a bucket of hot                                    soup!


                                (The audience gives a round of applause.)


Michael          :       Albert, how long have you been standing                              on one leg in that bucket of hot soup?

Albert             :       I've been standing here for six hours and                               fifty-eight minutes.

Michael          :       And what is the world record for standing                             on one leg in a bucket of hot soup?

Albert             :       It's seven hours and three minutes,                                        Michael.

Michael          :       Seven hours and three minutes! And                                      you've been standing there for six hours                                and fifty-nine minutes now. Well, Albert,                              you've only got four minutes to go!


                                (The audience applauds.)


Michael          :       Albert, you've been standing on one leg in                            that bucket of soup for almost seven hours                          now.

Albert             :       That's right, Michael.

Michael          :       Would you tell me - is the soup still hot?

Albert             :       Yes. My wife's been approaching every                                  half-hour with more sizzling soup. Here                                         she appears now.


                                (Mrs. Hargreaves comes in.)


Daisy              :       Here you are, Albert.


                                (She pours some boiling soup into the                                    bucket.)


Albert             :       Aaargh!

Michael          :       Well, I'm glad it's your leg in the soup.                                   Albert, and not mine.


                                (The audience laughs.)


Michael          :       Now we have another contender in the                                  studio, a very charming young lady. Can                                you tell the viewers your name?

Mabel             :       Mabel Phillips.

Michael          :       Mabel Phillips. Well, Mabel, what are you                             doing?

Mabel             :       I'm leaning on this brush.

Michael          :       She's leaning on a brush, ladies and                                        gentlemen! I can't help thinking the same.


                                (The audience applauds and laughs.)


Michael          :       Well, Albert has been standing on one leg                             in his bucket of hot soup for seven hours                               and one minute, so he's only got two more                          minutes to go! Poor Mabel's got a long                                  way to go...And here is another young man                          - and he hasn't got any trousers on.


                                (The audience giggles.)


Michael          :       Now, sir, what are you doing?

Man                :       I'm looking for my trousers.

Michael          :       I can see that. And how long have you                                   been making an exploration for your                                      trousers?

Man                :       I've been looking for them for five                                           minutes.

Michael          :       And what's the world record?

Man                :       Pardon?

Michael          :       What's the world record for looking for                                  trousers?

Man                :       I'm not trying to break a world record. I                                 took my trousers off to have a bath, and                               when I got out of the bath, my trousers                                         were gone.

Michael          :       I see. Get out of the way! We're on                                         television! think that's a nonsense.


                                (The audience laughs.)


Michael          :       Sorry about that, ladies and gentlemen.                                Now back to Albert Hargreaves. Albert,                                 you've been standing in that bucket of hot                            soup for seven hours and two minutes.                                 Only one more minute to go, and you will                             break the world record. And here comes                               Mrs. Hargreaves with more blistering                                     soup!

Daisy              :       Here you are, Albert.


                                (She pours some more soup into the                                      vessel.)


Albert             :       Aaargh!

Michael          :       Tell me, Albert, how does it feel?

Albert             :       Scorching!


                                (The audience laughs.)


Michael          :       No, no! I mean how does it feel to be                                     approaching the world record?

Albert             :       Well, Michael, I've been dreaming about                               this moment, I've been thinking about                                   nothing else.

Michael          :       Yes, Albert.

Albert             :       I have been practising every day.

Michael          :       Yes Albert.

Albert             :       Twice on Sundays!

Michael          :       Yes - and here turns up Mrs. Hargreaves

Albert             :       Oh no, not again!

Michael          :       It's all right, Albert, she's only looking at                                her watch!


                                (The audience laughs.)


Daisy              :       Albert! Albert! Only ten seconds to go!                                  Ten, nine, eight, seven (Mabel pushes                                    Albert.)

Mable             :       (Ironically) Congratulations, Albert!

Albert             :       Aaargh!

                                Albert falls over.


Michael          :       Well, ladies and gentlemen, Albert                                          Hargreaves hasn't broken a world record,                             but he has broken...his leg!'


A Complete the following table to extend the words to different word classes.



B. Write True for true and False for false statements.

a. Two people are going to cast their performance to break the world record today. True

b. Michael is one of the contestants. False

c. Michael also tried dipping his foot on the bucket. False

d. Albert broke the world record for standing on a bucket of hot soup. False

e. The word "sizzling" is similar in meaning to "scorching".  True

f. The program is a comedy show. True


C. Answer these questions.

a. Who is Mabel Phillips?

Mabel Phillips is one of the contestants on the show.


b. What is she trying to do?

She is trying to break a world record by leaning on a brush.


c. How do they maintain the heat of the soup?

Albert's wife, Daisy, pours more boiling soup into the bucket every half-hour to maintain the heat.


d. How far was Albert from breaking the record?

Albert was one minute away from breaking the record when he fell over.


e. How did the man lose his trousers?

The man took his trousers off to have a bath, and when he got out of the bath, his trousers were gone.


f. Why do you think Mabel pushed Albert?

Mabel likely pushed Albert out of jealousy or frustration, possibly because she wanted to sabotage his attempt to break the record.

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