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Grade 10 English, Unit 8, Reading II Climbing Exercises


Grade 10 English, Unit 8, Reading II Climbing Exercises


Grade 10 English, Unit 8, Reading II Climbing Exercises

Amy Lawrence Lowell

Born: 9 Feb, 1974, Died: 12 May 1925

She is an American Poet, performer, editor, translator.

She wrote and published over 650 poems.



In this poem, the speaker describes her childhood experience of climbing up an apple tree. She compares the branches to steps of a staircase that leads to a shining town above. As she climbs higher, she notices various architectural features like spires and domes, which are bright and sparkling. The speaker continues through the thick leaves and is determined to reach the top today. She expresses her excitement and anticipation to finally reach the marvelous summit where glittering pinnacles stand tall. The poem captures the sense of adventure, wonder, and the desire to explore the world from a higher perspective.




High up in the apple tree climbing I go,

With the sky above me, the earth below.

Each branch is the step of a wonderful stair

Which leads to the town I see shining up there.



Wonderful : very good, pleasant or a lot of fun

Stair : a set of steps leading from one floor of a building to another, typically inside the building. 



In this stanza, the speaker describes her climb up an apple tree. She mentions that the sky is above her and the earth is below, indicating her position and surroundings. She compares each branch to a step on a staircase, emphasizing the progression and movement upwards. The purpose of the climb becomes clear as the speaker sees a shining town in the distance, which serves as her goal or destination. This stanza conveys a sense of adventure, wonder, and the anticipation of reaching a new and captivating place.


Climbing, climbing, higher and higher,

The branches blow and I see a spire,

The gleam of a turret, the glint of a dome,

All sparkling and bright, like white sea foam.



blow : moves

spire : a tall pointed structure of the top of a building, of a church

gleam : to shine with a pale clear light

turret : a small tower on the top of a wall/building, especially a castle

glint : to produce small bright flahes of light

dome : a round roof with a circular base

sparkling : shining and flashing with light

foam : a mass of very small air bubbles on the surface of a liquid



In this stanza, the speaker continues to climb higher and higher in the tree. As she ascends, the branches sway in the wind, and the speaker catches sight of a spire, a turret, and a dome. These architectural elements shine and gleam, resembling the sparkling brightness of white sea foam. The stanza captures the speaker's awe and admiration for the beauty and grandeur of the structures she sees from her elevated vantage point. The imagery evokes a sense of wonder and excitement as the speaker continues her climb and encounters these captivating sights.


On and on, from bough to bough,

The leaves are thick, but I push my way through;

Before, I have always had to stop,

But to-day I am sure I shall reach the top.



bough : a large branch of a tree



In this stanza, the speaker describes her continuous progress as she climbs from one branch to another. Despite the thickness of the leaves, they persevere and push her way through. The speaker notes that in the past, she had to stop at some point during her climbs, but today she feels confident that she will reach the top. The stanza conveys a sense of determination and optimism as the speaker overcomes obstacles and believes that she will finally achieve her goal of reaching the highest point of the tree. It encapsulates the anticipation and excitement of nearing the end of her ascent.



Today to the end of the marvelous stair,

Where those glittering pinnacles flash in the air!

Climbing, climbing, higher I go,

With the sky close above me, the earth far below.



marvelous : extremely good; wonderful

pinnacle : the most important part of something



In this stanza, the speaker expresses her anticipation of reaching the end of her climb, referring to it as the "end of the marvelous stair."  She describes the pinnacle of her ascent as glittering and flashing in the air, emphasizing its captivating and alluring quality. The speaker continues to climb higher and higher, emphasizing her upward progress. She mentions that the sky is close above her, symbolizing the vastness and limitless possibilities, while the earth is far below, representing a sense of distance and detachment. The stanza captures the excitement, determination, and the perspective of the speaker as she ascend towards her goal, with the imagery evoking a sense of wonder and the vastness of the world around her.



-Amy Lowell

Theme: The theme of the poem is centered around the idea of exploration, adventure, and the desire to reach new heights. It captures the excitement and wonder of climbing up a tree and the anticipation of discovering new perspectives and experiences. The poem explores themes of curiosity, determination, and the pursuit of goals. It also touches upon the contrast between the earthly and the celestial, emphasizing the desire to transcend ordinary boundaries and reach for something extraordinary. Ultimately, the theme revolves around the human spirit's yearning for discovery and the happiness of exploring new possibilities.


Figure of Speech:

Metaphor: The speaker compares each branch of the apple tree to the steps of a staircase. This metaphorical comparison emphasizes the progression and ascent of the speaker's climb. Simile: The shining objects seen from the tree are described as "sparkling and bright, like white sea foam." This simile creates a vivid image of the gleaming and dazzling appearance of the architectural features. Personification: The branches of the tree are described as blowing in the wind. This personification assigns human-like qualities of movement and flexibility to the branches, enhancing the imagery and evoking a sense of dynamism. Hyperbole: The speaker expresses confidence in reaching the top of the tree by saying, "today I am sure I shall reach the top." This hyperbolic statement exaggerates the speaker's determination and belief in their ability to achieve their goal.


A. Find the words from the text above that have the following meanings.

a. a small flash of light, especially a reflected one - glint

b. main branch of a tree - bough

c. a little tower of a budling or a castle - turret

d. a set of steps leading from one floor of a building to another - stair

e. causing great wonder; extraordinary - marvelous


B. Choose the correct answer.

a. What does the speaker view from the branch of the tree?

i. the sky       ii. the earth           iii. the town

Ans:- iii. the town


b. What aids the speaker to go up and up?

i. the apple tree          

ii. the branches on the tree

iii. a stair bought for her support

Ans:- ii. the branches on the tree


c. What does the speaker compare the glow of a dome with?

i. a turret       ii. a spire              iii. sea foam

Ans:- iii. sea foam


d. Which of the following statements is true?

i. The speaker used to climb onto the tree top.

ii. The speaker is sure to get to the top of the tree now.

iii. The tree leaves will certainly prevent her from going higher and higher.

Ans:- ii. The speaker is sure to get to the top of the tree new.

e. Which of the following statements carries the message of the poem?

i. We should not give up in the middle of any situation or a goal.

ii. Be satisfied with what you have at the moment.

iii. We cannot enter the heaven without a staircase.

Ans:- i. We should not give up in the middle of any situation or a goal


C. Answer these questions.

a. Why does the speaker want to climb on the tree?

Ans:- The speaker wants to climb on the tree to reach the town she sees shining above.


b. What things are shining brightly when viewed from above?

Ans:- The spire, turret, and dome are shining brightly when viewed from above.


c. Is it the first time that the speaker has climbed up the tree? How do you know?

Ans:- It is not the first time the speaker has climbed up the tree. The line "Before, I have always had to stop" suggests that he had climbed the tree before but couldn't reach the top.


d. Make a list of words from the poem which describe the light or brightness.

Ans:- The list of words from the poem which describe the light of brightness are: shining, gleam, glint, sparkling, bright, glittering, flash etc.


e. What do the sky and the earth symbolise in the poem?

Ans:- The sky symbolizes vastness, limitless possibilities, and freedom. It also means dreams or goals. The earth symbolizes stability, grounding, physical realm.


Or The sky symbolizes the desire for exploration and the earth symbolizes the comfort of familiarity and beginning point for the journey.


D. "The more determined you are, the better opportunity you will achieve in life and obtain what you want in life." Do you agree with this statement? Discuss.


The statement "The more determined you are, the better opportunity you will achieve in life and obtain what you want in life." suggests that having a high level of determination increases the chances of achieving opportunities and obtaining desired outcomes in life. I am pretty sure that I agree with this statement. It is our determination, an important trait that can contribute to our success. The firmness of purpose can drive us to set clear goals, work diligently, and persevere through challenges and setbacks. It can provide the motivation needed to overcome obstacles and maintain focus on long-term objectives. However, success also depends on various other factors such as skills, knowledge, resources, external circumstances, and sometimes even luck. While determination can increase the likelihood of creating opportunities, it is essential to acknowledge that external factors, such as socioeconomic conditions, access to education, networks, and support systems, can significantly influence one's path to success.




Analysis of the Poem:

Title: "Climbing"

Author: Amy Lowell


The poem "Climbing" by Amy Lowell explores the theme of adventure, determination, and the human desire for exploration. Through vivid imagery, metaphorical language, and a sense of wonder, the poem takes the reader on a journey of ascent up an apple tree, symbolizing the pursuit of personal goals and reaching new heights.


The poem begins with the speaker describing her climb up the apple tree, highlighting the physical act of climbing and the position of being high above the ground. This immediately creates a sense of excitement and adventure. The speaker emphasizes the contrast between the sky above and the earth below, symbolizing the vastness of possibilities and the stability of the familiar.


The use of metaphor is evident as the branches of the tree are compared to steps of a staircase. This metaphor not only portrays the physical progression of the climb but also implies a sense of purpose and direction in the speaker's journey. Each branch serves as a stepping stone towards a destination, which is revealed later in the poem as a shining town.


The imagery in the poem is rich and evocative. The shining objects in the distance, such as spires, turrets, and domes, create a sense of awe and wonder. They are described as sparkling and bright, resembling white sea foam. This imagery conveys a sense of beauty, grandeur, and the allure of the unknown.


The speaker's determination and confidence in reaching the top of the tree are evident in the lines "Before, I have always had to stop, But to-day I am sure I shall reach the top." This reflects the theme of perseverance and the belief that with determination, one can overcome previous obstacles and achieve their goals.


The poem concludes with the anticipation of reaching the end of the climb, where the "glittering pinnacles flash in the air." This final image reinforces the idea of a rewarding and transformative journey, where the speaker's efforts are rewarded by the breathtaking sight of the town.


Overall, "Climbing" by Amy Lowell is a captivating poem that celebrates the spirit of adventure, determination, and the pursuit of personal goals. Through its vivid imagery, metaphorical language, and a sense of wonder, the poem invites readers to embrace their own journeys of exploration and the potential for self-discovery.


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